Cardio coach

Simon Greenwood

Personal Trainer, Elite CrossFit Senior and Hero Programmer

Full of energy and positivity, Simon brings over 15 years of fitness industry experience to the Hero team. Fueled by a passion for witnessing the physical and mental benefits that regular exercise brings, what really sets Simon apart is his dedication to making exercise accessible and safe for everyone.

“No matter what stage of your fitness journey you are on, with the right guidance you can achieve incredible things”

As a firm believer that quality of movement over quantity is the best approach to exercising effectively, Simon has developed the Hero programming with a focus on building positive habits, ensuring you understand the process and movements you are following, so you can train with the knowledge and confidence needed to achieve your goals.

“Be patient and trust the process. Focus on building quality in your movement to make every rep count”

Outside of the gym, Simon’s hobbies can only be described as adventurous… and fitness related! Whether he’s climbing Kilimanjaro, running Marathon Des Sables or competing in CrossFit, Simon’s enthusiasm and passion for what he does is ever-present.